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Floor studio - Expertise in the specialist area and professional advice

Bodenstudio GmbH
Floor laying & interior decorating company

Saalachstrasse 92
A-5020 Salzburg

Phone: +43 662 931 621
Mobile: +43 676 671 0039
e-mail: office@boden-studio.at
Website: https://boden-studio.at

Company information

Management: Georg Hirschbichler
Sales tax ID: ATU72243903
Company register number: 470202z
GLN (public administration): 9110024704639
Job description: Floor laying & interior decorating company
Place of jurisdiction: Salzburg Regional Court
Authority according to ECG: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Zell am See Magistrat der Stadt Salzburg
Professional association affiliation(s): Salzburg Chamber of Commerce

Member of the trade and crafts division

Website design

Andreas Kramers e.U.

Image source: Bodenstudio GmbH, www.istockphoto.com

No guarantee

The website has been compiled with the utmost care, but Bodenstudio GmbH cannot guarantee that it is free of errors, up-to-date or complete.


In accordance with the E-Commerce Act (ECG), we would like to point out that e-mails sent to us will only be retrieved during normal business hours and then answered if necessary.


Despite careful checking of the content, we accept no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

Bodenstudio GmbH accepts no liability whatsoever for direct, specific or consequential damage or any other damage of any kind that may arise for any reason whatsoever in connection with the indirect or direct use of the information provided on the website.

All rights reserved

The texts, images, graphics, logos, etc. provided on this website may not be changed or copied for commercial purposes. We also reserve the right to update or change the information on this website at any time without prior notice.

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